Category Archives: Ovid

Ovid Metamorphoses 1.525-58 (contributed by Anne Dicks)

Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne statue group in the Galleria Borghese in Rome – can I get away with giving that as my preferred translation?  Notice the desperation of Daphne’s flight, […]

Ovid Metamorphoses 3.368-99 (contributed by Rachel Carter)

I was captivated by this extract when I read it recently with a student: the clever echoing wordplay, and the heartbreaking pathos of the nymph’s hope and disappointment in love. […]

Ovid, Tristia 3.7.31-54 (contributed by Andrew James Sillett)

At the halfway point of his five books of Tristia, the exiled Ovid turns to the themes of lyric and contemplates old age, art and the limits of human endeavour. […]