This page hosts a collection of passages from Latin poets whose work comes down to us in limited or fragmentary form, or whose work has tended to be less read than that of other authors.
Priapea | A Collection of poems about Priapus
Contributed by Gaia Brusasco
Epigrams from Pompeii
Epigrams | A Collection from Pompeii
Contributed by Amelia W. Eichengreen
Sulpicia (who wrote, we think, in the time of Augustus) is the only female Roman poet whose work has survived, and this comprises only six poems, none longer than ten lines. Her style is influenced by Catullus and his epigrams yet it demonstrates the similarity of this genre to elegiac poetry, and those who read the elegiacs of, say, Propertius, Tibullus and Ovid will recognise this.
Poem 1 | The introductory poem
Contributed by Terry Walsh
Poem 4 |On Adultery
Contributed by James Green