Attributed to Thomas de Celano (1190-1260), the Dies Iræ is arguably the most famous and most evocative Medieval Latin poem. It describes in vivid detail the Last Judgement, the summoning of the dead, the deliverance of the good and the damnation of the bad to eternal torment. It was adopted as the Requiem Mass (Mass for the Dead) sequence as early as the end of the fourteenth century, a position it held until the 1970 revision of the Roman Missal.
It is written in a rhythmic trochaic metre, so the word stress falls on the first of each pair of syllables – “dum-di, dum-di, dum-di, dum-di” – and each three-lined stanza has rhymed line endings, e.g. illa / favilla / Sibylla, with the exception of the final Lacrimosa, which is a later addition to the original poem.
This is poetry designed to be sung, to the tune of the Dies Irae plainchant melody, which has been a favourite of composers through the ages. One of the most famous settings is that of Mozart’s Requiem – the subdivisions below (not in the original poem) correspond to the separate movements of that work.
Mark Walker
Dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla,
teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus
quando iudex est venturus
cuncta stricte discussurus.
(ii) Tuba mirum
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
per sepulcra regionum
coget omnes ante thronum.
Mors stupebit et natura
cum resurget creatura
Iudicanti responsura.
Liber scriptus proferetur
in quo totum continetur,
unde mundus iudicetur.
Iudex ergo cum sedebit
quidquid latet apparebit,
nil inultum remanebit.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus,
quem patronum rogaturus,
cum vix iustus sit securus?
(iii) Rex tremendae
Rex tremendae maiestatis,
qui salvandos salvas gratis,
salve me, fons pietatis.
(iv) Recordare
Recordare, Iesu pie,
quod sum causa tuae viae,
ne me perdas illa die.
Quaerens me sedisti lassus,
redemisti crucem passus,
tantus labor non sit cassus.
Iuste iudex ultionis
donum fac remissionis
ante diem rationis.
Ingemisco tamquam reus,
culpa rubet vultus meus,
supplicanti parce, Deus.
Qui Mariam absolvisti
et latronem exaudisti,
mihi quoque spem dedisti.
Preces meae non sunt dignae,
sed tu bonus fac benigne,
ne perenni cremer igne.
Inter oves locum praesta,
et ab haedis me sequestra,
statuens in parte dextra.
(v) Confutatis
Confutatis maledictis
flammis acribus addictis,
voca me cum benedictis.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
cor contritum quasi cinis,
gere curam mei finis.
(vi) Lacrimosa
Lacrimosa dies illa
qua resurget ex favilla
iudicandus homo reus.
huic ergo parce, Deus,
Pie Iesu Domine,
dona eis requiem.
(i) Dies irae
Day of wrath, that day
Will dissolve the earth in ashes
As David and the Sibyl bear witness.
What dread there will be
When the Judge shall come
To judge all things strictly.
(ii) Tuba mirum
A trumpet spreading a wondrous sound
Through the graves of all regions
Will drive all before the throne.
Death will be astonished, and Nature
When Creation shall rise again
To answer to the Judge.
A book, written in, will be brought forth
In which is contained everything
From which the world will be judged.
When therefore the Judge will sit
Whatever is hidden will appear,
Nothing will remain unavenged.
What then am I, wretch, to say,
What advocate am I to ask to defend me,
When the just may hardly be secure?
(iii) Rex tremendae
King of fearful majesty,
Who freely saves the redeemed,
Save me, O fount of goodness.
(iv) Recordare
Remember, merciful Jesus,
Because I am the cause of your journey,
Do not forsake me on that day.
Seeking me you did sit down weary,
You redeemed me suffering on the cross,
Let not such toil be in vain.
Judge of vengeance justly
Grant forgiveness
Before the day of reckoning.
I groan like a guilty man,
My face blushes with guilt,
Spare a suppliant, O God.
You who absolved Mary [Magdalene]
And favourably heard the thief,
Also to me have given hope.
My prayers are not worthy,
But you who are merciful grant benignly
That I may not burn in everlasting fire.
Show me a place among your sheep
And separate me from the goats,
Standing me on your right.
(v) Confutatis
When the damned have been confounded
And sacrificed to the bitter flames,
Call me with the blessed.
A suppliant kneeling I beg,
My heart contrite as the dust,
Safeguard my end.
(vi) Lacrimosa
Mournful that day
When from the ashes shall rise
The guilty man to be judged.
Therefore spare him, O God.
O Merciful Jesus, Lord,
Grant them rest.
Chosen and translated by Mark Walker (
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